No targeted ads or invasive tracking pixels are allowed into your inbox. We support all the major providers - Outlook, Yahoo, Hotmail, iCloud, Office/ Outlook 365, Exchange, AOL, Gmail, and IMAP* mail accounts on your Mac.įrom the Pioneers of One-Tap Unsubscribe.īlock senders to banish unwanted senders permanently. With Edison Mail in your email app arsenal, you can slash through your inbox in a fraction of the time.Įdison Mail allows you to connect an unlimited number of email accounts and offers a unified inbox that keeps all of your inboxes in one view. Email threading (even for non-Gmail accounts) makes it easier to keep track of a long conversation. Searching for important information like subscriptions, travel plans, bills, packages, and more is simplified through handy Assistant cards. Reduce email volume and eliminate inbox distractions.Įdison Mail is optimized for M1 and fetches email faster than other mail apps (we have the speed tests to prove it).

Whether you’re looking to tackle 1 email account or 20, Edison Mail offers the unified inbox experience to empower you get through everything on your plate. It’s simple, user friendly, and ready to use the moment you download.

So the question is, how much time have you lost to overchecking your email? How many hours have disappeared because you were struggling with an overflowing inbox? How can you get time back?Įdison Mail for Mac is the tool you need to reclaim your time.Įdison Mail for Mac just works for all your Mac email needs. Did you know that overchecking email can lead to 21 wasted minutes per day? That time adds up - 21 minutes a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year means 127 precious hours lost per year.